Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Thought it was a great first night for the Dems.  Gore was good.  Pretty funny, even.  But I agree w/M, perhaps not very presidential.  Hell of a speech though.  Carter was the elder statesman, with a little of the angry old grandfather mixed in.  Both gave good speeches to good response.
But Bill Clinton.  Is he a rock star, or what?  I admit I was positively giddy listening to his speech.  I don't know how many undecided's saw it or will see clips of that speech, but it was great.  Not just because he is a great orator and a skilled performer, but because he is so good at making the choice an easy one.  He put forth the case for John Kerry in 20 minutes better than Kerry has over the last year and a half.  I hope there are nuggets from that speech that Kerry and Edwards use over the next three months; like the image of an experienced captain steering our ship through troubled waters, or the appeal to all Americans that on the big issues we all mostly agree (strong America, good education, healthcare), so stop letting the right try to divide us.  I suspect I'll be watching the speech again.
Tonight: do yourselves a favor and catch Barack Obama giving the keynote address.  I haven't heard him give a speech, but I suspect it'll be a good one.  He too is charismatic, well-spoken, and has an interesting biography.  Very likely a future presidential candidate.
As for Kerry, he must give a hell of a speech Thursday.  And I think he will.  As Jon Stewart said, "If he doesn't step up to the plate, he doesn't deserve to be president."  I think he will sieze the moment, as long as people aren't expecting a Clinton speech.  I can't wait.

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