Thursday, July 08, 2004


I must admit I've really just about had it with Ralph Nader. He claims that he is going
to take more votes from Bush than from Kerry. Nobody with a pulse believes that for a second. He claims that Democrat's are using "dirty tricks" to keep him off the ballot. Yet of the 22,000 signatures he submitted in Arizona, 70% were not valid. That is abhorrent.
He's now giving interviews to Fox News, slamming Democrat's repeatedly; even accusing them of starting a "mini-Watergate" to keep him off the ballot. Get real signatures, and I'd be happy to see you on the ballot.
And he is taking large campaign contributions from Republicans, who are clearly trying to get Ralph on the ballot to take votes from Kerry.
I believe in third parties and having an honest debate. But it's getting harder and harder to believe that Ralph really has the best interests of the country at heart.

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